
Micro Gatherings

Small Groups have one, simple purpose:  to bring people together.  Sharing life through community is part of our design, but meaningful relationships aren’t always easy to find.  That’s why Small Groups exist—to make these life-changing relationships relevant and accessible to you.

Groups meet in homes and coffee shops across the area and simply do life together; laughing and growing in all seasons of life.  We encourage you to join a Small Group so that you get to experience life with others while building new friendships and strengthening each other in your walk with Christ.

Semester Begins January 26th, 2020!

This Semester’s Small Groups…

Finding Stability
in an Unstable Time

Leaders: Ron + Marilyn Sears
Location: The Sear’s Home SE Nashville
Date/Time: Tuesday 7-8:30pm
Childcare Y/N: Child-friendly/no childcare
Contact: RonSears@blueprintchurch.tv

Who am I in Christ?

Leaders: Jordan Waverly
Location: Library S Nashville
Date/Time: Wednesday 6:30-8pm
Childcare Y/N: Child-friendly/no childcare
Contact: 706-570-9748

Deeper into
Sunday’s Message

Leaders: Andrew + Cassie Hall
Location: The Hall’s Home Whites Creek
Date/Time: Thursday 7-8:30pm
Childcare Y/N: Child-friendly/no childcare
Contact: CassieLHall@aol.com

Foundation of Faith &
Relationship with God

Leaders: Cassandra Simmons
Location: The Simmon’s Home SE Nashville
Date/Time: Monday 6:30-8pm
Childcare Y/N: Infant-friendly/no children
Contact: ccardases@yahoo.com

What Does God Want
in Your Life?

Leaders: Alex + Mariah Miller & Jalen Wall
Audience: 18-30yr olds
Location: SE Nashville
Date/Time: Thursday 6:30-8pm
Childcare Y/N: No children/no childcare
Contact: A.Miller3r20.9@gmail.com

of the Bible

Leaders: Jenn Astphan
Audience: Women’s Group
Location: The Astphan’s Home SE Nashville
Date/Time: Tuesday 6:30-8pm
Childcare Y/N: Child-friendly
Contact: jmiulli79@gmail.com


